Feel Festive not Frazzled!

Mindful Drinking this Christmas

Here's seven ways you can start making small changes now that will make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing this Christmas and into 2021

Get some alcohol free alternatives in your shopping - there’s never been a better time to try alcohol free drinks, with a boom in the marketplace as demand for being hangover free has increased. 

Set some boundaries - we're not talking about ditching the booze entirely, we're just thinking about making mindful choices. During the holiday season it’s easy to let the lines blur while one day rolls into another and we can let drinking alcohol creep into our daily routine. We're choosing when we want to drink and how much and then sticking to it!

Re-think Wine O’Clock - That time of day when you reach for the wine bottle or pour yourself a G&T….because it’s what you’ve become used to doing! More often than not we don’t really appreciate it as we rush around stirring the dinner, putting the kids to bed or sending those last couple of work emails. 

Reframe our thinking - We’ve all had a touch of FOMO at some point in our lives. No one wants to feel like they're missing out! What if we asked ourselves to think slightly differently and reframe those sentences we say and the things we tell ourselves? What if we asked what we’re gaining by not drinking instead of focusing on what we think we’re losing?

Stealth drinking - in mindfulness and stealth drinking we lead our thinking to what we’re doing and how we're going to make mindful choices. To have friends and family that support us is fantastic and can give us the extra strength we need to get through the season happily and feel like we are in control. But not everyone understands why you're being mindful with your drinking and may still encourage you to 'just have one' when you really don't want to. Think of some excuses you can give for not drinking; driving is always a good one!

Listening to your body - We’re all guilty of rushing around like busy bees squeezing everything we can into our day and often don’t stop to think about how our body is actually feeling

Have fun, there’s a wealth of recipes online - Check out Pinterest for some fab recipes that look special just for you to enjoy! Maybe choose some that also have healing ingredients like ginger, mint, turmeric or rosemary. How can you make the drink work in your favour, helping to boost the immune system or your mood.

Enjoy trying some of these out. If you want further inspiration check out our e-book, it's less than the price of a glass of wine and will get you through December feeling festive but not frazzled!

You can see what it's all about here!

Have fun! xo

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