Further reading... Alcohol Explained by William Porter

Alcohol explained by william porter recommended read

I love the internet, it provides us with a wealth of knowledge but sometimes we need more.
I consumed this book in two days!  It's a fantastic no nonsense read around the facts of alcohol and how it affects you body and mind.
Despite being factual it's well written and easy to read and understand!

Alcohol Explained is the definitive, ground-breaking guide to alcohol and alcoholism. It explains how alcohol affects human beings on a chemical, physiological and psychological level, from those first drinks right up to chronic alcoholism. Alcoholism and problem drinking seems illogical to those on the outside, indeed it is equally perplexing for the alcoholic or problem drinker. This book provides a logical, easy to follow explanation of the phenomenon and detailed instructions on how to beat it. Despite being entirely scientific and factual in nature the book is presented in an accessible and easily understandable format.

For more information and to read the first 5 chapters for free please visit www.alcoholexplained.com.

"This is an excellent book written by an inquisitive and educated author who during a period of his life suffered from alcoholism. The book explains in an easily understood language the various effects that alcohol has on our body. In my opinion the text would serve as a great handbook not only for those struggling with alcohol but also medical students as part of their education. I am sure some of my own patients troubled with alcoholism in recent years could have benefitted from reading William’s book and I will be recommending it going forward."

Håvard Molvik MD, MRCS, MSc, MRCGP.

Follow this link to buy the book!

PS. Books are great, we love them and they can be so helpful in helping us find our way. Did you know you can also book a 60 minute 1:1 with Claire to bring balance back to your relationship with the booze. Maybe you've finished reading a book and want some clarity, a plan of action or some help moving forward on your mindful drinking path or maybe you'd rather skip the book and dive straight in for a quick win. Either way you can book with Claire to get you on track.


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